Gravity Metal Detectors

Compact Gravity Feed Metal Detector
The Compact Gravity Feed Metal Detector has a low assembly height and is specially designed for limited space applications in free flowing product lines.

Gravity Feed Metal Detector
Gravity feed type metal detectors are used in gravity feed pipes and provide the highest performance in detecting magnetic and non-magnetic metals.

Metal Detector PH (Pharma)
METAL SHARK® PH types are used at the outlet of a tablet press and provide the highest performance in detecting magnetic and non-magnetic metals.

Metal Detector R (Ring Sensor)
The R Sensor type provides the highest performance in detecting magnetic and non-magnetic metals. Typically, applications are in the medical-pharmaceutical sector as well as sanitary items, foods, and chemical powders. The product falls through the R sensor head.

Pro-Tector systems combine the excellent ferrous separation performance of a magnet with the non-ferrous and stainless detection of a metal detector all in one compact unit.

Throat Metal Detector
Gravity Packaging Throat Metal Detector is designed for free-falling product in vertical packaging installations.