Magnetic Products, Inc Celebrates 10 Years of Workplace Safety
Magnetic Products, Inc (MPI) recently celebrated a milestone of 10 years without a lost time accident – which amounts to more than 750,000 work-hours for the company.
MPI designs and builds industrial magnetic separation and material handling solutions in its headquarters in Highland, MI. The work involves the use of heavy machinery, various metalworking processes, and daily use of industrial strength magnets.
With a growing team that now includes more than 50 employees, the milestone achievement would not be possible without a robust safety program and focus on ensuring that employees are effectively trained in injury prevention, along with open lines of communication with management, and constant vigilance in the face of numerous threats.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022 manufacturing was among the top five most dangerous industries with an average of 3.2 workers injured per year, with 2.0 of those workers injured in a way that resulted in lost time.
“We could not be more proud of our team for their focus on workplace safety,” says Matt Wiggins, Operations Manager at MPI. “There is nothing more important than ensuring the safety and physical well-being of our people at all times. Workplace safety is emphasized by all levels of management and with all employees regardless of the type of work they perform.”
He continues, “Ultimately, our goal is zero reportable injuries, and celebrating this milestone is a huge step in that direction. We applaud our team and all the people who are committed to their own safety and to the safety of their colleagues on a daily basis.”
Need to speak with an MPI Expert? Contact Us, email, or phone 248.887.5600×1.